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Viewing Entry #7940

navtej singh 4-2013

Gender m
Height (cm) 191.0
Age 25
Marital Status never_married
Amrit working_on_it
Location ilford

WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH M in uk from 15 yrs with my family. Running own construction company with dad and elder brother. Want a gursikh girl as m going BE AMRITDHARI SINGH in near future I belong to a gursikh family .I want only love for love. For more contact pls 0044 7581321544 Or mail gsdharni@gmail.com WaS only trimmer in my family but now keeping hairs uncut FaMily is pure vegetarian Meat, egg, tobaco, alcohol is not used by any member of our family


2013-04-23 02:43:36